F29 Pure Elegance Bouquet

F29 Pure Elegance Bouquet


💐 Bouquet Details:

🌿 Flowers Included:

  • White hydrangeas for a voluminous, delicate look
  • Classic white roses for a touch of timeless beauty
  • Fresh seasonal greenery for balance and texture

🎀 Elegant Wrapping:

  • Wrapped in premium white foamiran with pearl accents for a sophisticated finish
None Pink +$20.00 Grey +$15.00 Blue +$15.00 White +$20.00 Purple +$15.00 Brown +$20.00 Duck +$15.00 Bunny +$15.00 Unicorn +$15.00
None Godiva random taste or similar +$15.00 Lindor random taste or similar +$30.00 Ferrero Rocher +$30.00 Russell Stover Valentine's Day Velvet Heart Chocolate Gift +$35.00

Adding a transportation box and aqua box to your flower order not only protects the flowers but also enhances their beauty and longevity, ensuring a memorable and delightful experience for both sender and recipient.

None Transportation box +$15.00 Aqua Box +$10.00

Looking for an elegant white bouquet? The Pure Elegance Bouquet is a sophisticated combination of fluffy white hydrangeas and premium white roses, expertly arranged to create a classic and graceful floral design. This bouquet is perfect for weddings, anniversaries