FL169 long stem roses

The photo shows a standard-sized flower bouquet.

FL169 long stem roses


A bouquet of long-stemmed red roses is a classic symbol of love and passion. The velvety, deep red petals gracefully adorn each elongated stem, creating an elegant and timeless arrangement. The long stems add a touch of sophistication, making this bouquet a perfect and romantic gesture for special occasions.
None Pink +$20.00 Grey +$15.00 Blue +$15.00 White +$20.00 Purple +$15.00 Brown +$20.00 Duck +$15.00 Bunny +$15.00 Unicorn +$15.00
None Godiva random taste or similar +$15.00 Lindor random taste or similar +$30.00 Ferrero Rocher +$30.00 Russell Stover Valentine's Day Velvet Heart Chocolate Gift +$35.00

Adding a transportation box and aqua box to your flower order not only protects the flowers but also enhances their beauty and longevity, ensuring a memorable and delightful experience for both sender and recipient.

None Transportation box +$15.00 Aqua Box +$10.00

Standard size includes 21 roses 1 meter long.

Smaller -15

Premium -31


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